AI top 10 skills to be an effective president. Comparison of President Trump vs VP Kamala Harris

These skills help ensure a president can lead effectively, manage complex issues, and represent their nation on the global stage.
  1. Leadership: The ability to inspire, motivate, and guide individuals and groups toward achieving common goals. For Donald Trump, notable examples of leadership include his ability to mobilize and energize a large base of supporters during his 2016 presidential campaign, effectively communicating his vision and motivating a significant portion of the electorate, as well as his approach to economic policies, particularly the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which aimed to stimulate economic growth and garnered significant support from his party and business leaders. For Kamala Harris, her leadership was prominently displayed during her tenure as California’s Attorney General, where she successfully implemented initiatives to address the foreclosure crisis, protecting homeowners and guiding her team toward achieving impactful legal outcomes, and during her time as a U.S. Senator, where she played a crucial role in advocating for criminal justice reform and building coalitions to support legislation like the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
  2. Communication: Strong verbal and written communication skills to effectively convey policies, decisions, and messages to the public, media, and other branches of government. For Donald Trump, notable examples of strong communication include his use of social media platforms, particularly Twitter, to directly convey his policies and opinions to the public and media, as well as his ability to deliver compelling speeches at rallies, effectively energizing his base. For Kamala Harris, her communication skills were evident during her incisive questioning in Senate hearings, clearly articulating her points and holding officials accountable, and her speeches and interviews where she effectively communicated her policy positions and vision for the country.
  3. Decision-Making: The capacity to make informed, timely, and sometimes difficult decisions that impact the nation. For Donald Trump, significant examples of decision-making include his decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, prioritizing national interests over global climate commitments, and his swift implementation of travel bans from certain countries, which he argued were necessary for national security. For Kamala Harris, her decision-making was evident when she opted to support California’s efforts to legalize same-sex marriage despite significant opposition, and her choice to back criminal justice reform bills that aimed to address systemic issues and promote fairness within the legal system.
  4. Diplomacy: Skill in managing international relations, negotiating treaties, and maintaining peaceful and productive relationships with other countries. For Donald Trump, notable examples of diplomacy include his negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, which led to historic summits aimed at denuclearization, and his administration’s facilitation of the Abraham Accords, normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations. For Kamala Harris, her diplomatic skills have been demonstrated in her role as Vice President, particularly during her trip to Guatemala and Mexico to address migration issues by engaging with foreign leaders to find collaborative solutions, and her participation in the Munich Security Conference, where she reinforced U.S. commitments to NATO and international security.
  5. Strategic Thinking: The ability to plan long-term goals and foresee potential challenges and opportunities. For Donald Trump, examples of strategic thinking include his long-term economic strategy to reduce corporate taxes through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, aimed at spurring business investment and economic growth, and his strategic emphasis on reshaping the judiciary by appointing conservative judges to federal courts, including the Supreme Court. For Kamala Harris, her strategic thinking was evident in her push for comprehensive criminal justice reform, foreseeing the need to address systemic inequalities and promote long-term societal change, and her advocacy for expanded healthcare access through legislation like Medicare for All, anticipating future healthcare challenges and aiming to create a more inclusive system.
  6. Crisis Management: The capability to handle emergencies and unforeseen events effectively and efficiently. For Donald Trump, notable examples of crisis management include his administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which involved implementing travel bans, Operation Warp Speed to accelerate vaccine development, and the mobilization of federal resources, and his handling of Hurricane Harvey, where he coordinated federal aid and support for the affected regions. For Kamala Harris, her crisis management skills were demonstrated during her tenure as California Attorney General when she created a statewide task force to address human trafficking, providing resources and coordination during a critical issue, and as Vice President, where she has been actively involved in addressing the root causes of migration from Central America, working to provide immediate and long-term solutions to a complex crisis.
  7. Empathy: Understanding and addressing the needs, concerns, and perspectives of diverse populations within the country. For Donald Trump, examples of empathy include his advocacy for criminal justice reform through the First Step Act, which aimed to address the concerns of incarcerated individuals and their families, and his efforts to support struggling farmers by providing financial assistance through various agricultural aid packages. For Kamala Harris, her empathy is evident in her work on the maternal mortality crisis, particularly among Black women, where she pushed for legislation to address disparities in healthcare, and her advocacy for the DREAMers, consistently fighting for protections and pathways to citizenship for undocumented young people brought to the U.S. as children.
  8. Integrity: Adherence to moral and ethical principles, ensuring trust and respect from the public and other leaders. For Donald Trump, examples of integrity include his commitment to fulfilling campaign promises, such as moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, reflecting his adherence to his stated policies, and his effort to renegotiate trade agreements, like the USMCA, to ensure they were more favorable to American workers. For Kamala Harris, her integrity is evident in her consistent stance against the death penalty, even when it was politically challenging during her time as California’s Attorney General, and her transparency in disclosing her financial records and advocating for ethics reform in government to promote accountability and trust.
  9. Negotiation: Proficiency in negotiating with various stakeholders, including political opponents, to achieve desired outcomes and compromise when necessary. For Donald Trump, notable examples of negotiation include his successful renegotiation of NAFTA into the USMCA, securing better terms for American workers and industries, and his negotiations with congressional leaders to pass the First Step Act, achieving bipartisan support for criminal justice reform. For Kamala Harris, her negotiation skills were evident when she worked with Republicans and Democrats to pass the Justice for Victims of Lynching Act, building a coalition to address this historical injustice, and her efforts in the Senate to secure additional COVID-19 relief funding by negotiating with various stakeholders to address the needs of struggling Americans.
  10. Knowledge of Government and Law: A thorough understanding of the country’s constitution, laws, and governmental processes to make informed decisions and uphold the rule of law. For Donald Trump, his knowledge of government and law was demonstrated through his use of executive orders to swiftly enact policy changes, such as the order restricting travel from certain countries for national security reasons, and his strategic appointments of federal judges to reshape the judiciary, understanding the long-term impact on legal precedents. For Kamala Harris, her extensive knowledge was evident in her work as California’s Attorney General, where she oversaw complex legal cases and upheld state laws, and her role in the Senate Judiciary Committee, where she skillfully questioned Supreme Court nominees on their interpretations of the Constitution and legal precedents.

These skills help ensure a president can lead effectively, manage complex issues, and represent their nation on the global stage.